Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

The bazaar is getting nearer and nearer, too near for comfort, and as usual I was flooded with everything else except for doing up the items, properly. This is really bad. But nevertheless, I'm working hard here! Reading and browsing a fair bit to get more inspiration and such.

See, point being, today is the first day of Chinese New Year and The Mom, being her, said that one should never start work/use scissors/knives/needles on the first day - really beats me on why she said that but I'd just believe it anyway, because I'm an innate auntie I guess.

...and that is another excuse for me to slack a day. Heh.

Anyway, decided to update some stuffs, like what I was busy with before this last week.

Firstly, towards the end of last month, it was the birthday of soulmate, so was running around doing up the stuffs. It was majorly satisfying, especially seeing her so happy. So I'd let the pictures do the talking for what we/I made for her. Of course, using my favorite material.

It is called the Happiness Jar.

So yes, the concept of the jar consists of... a bunny, and 4 other small jars which consisted of happiness, bliss, health and love stitched on the felt pieces. She loved the present, and that made me really, really happy (:

Another major (well, to me) project that I was doing was... this!
My new skirt for CNY. Well, it was meant to be a dress, but there wasn't enough cloth for me to get the drappy baggy effect. Then again, I really phail at using the sewing machine properly. It's properly enough to survive but not enough to translate my design on material. I need to practice more =(

So anyway, the tree and leaves are sewn on by felt (again). Took quite awhile - but am quite satisfied with the product, even though I wished I could have done alot more to make it better.

That's all for now! Will be starting to sew tomorrow again, and hopefully I'd have a relatively full table this Thursday and Friday @ NTU!


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